Tuesday 20 March 2018

RedBlue Adventures: Crash n' Brawl - Released

It's finally out...of the development table! And into the huge ocean of games.
Another completed project under my belt.

Download here:

If you want to give a opinion on the game you can fill the survey:
https://goo.gl/forms/decdj4rlAnVCzKK13 (I promise it won't take long to fill in)

Thursday 1 March 2018

RedBlue Adventures: Crash n’ Brawl Update!

Hello there!
I have good news:

RedBlue Adventures: Crash n’ Brawl is finally feature complete!
(on 24th Febuary to be exact)

Feature Complete
This phase of development is quite a hopeful one, as you’ve created a finished product – now all you need to do is refine and tweak it until it’s good enough to be released. But the funny thing about releasing something is that you don’t feel that sense of happiness that you did when you dreamed of releasing it. It’s more like “Okay. I’ve shipped this product, time to move on to the next thing.”
Whilst enemies/players are relatively easy to add in, buttons were not. I didn’t include a function to add them in due to the whole add listener function which basically adds a function to the button. So I had to deal with copy-pasting this many times


Positioning them in a row was also a pain, as I’ve also had to initialize these variables (can be seen on the right) every time I wanted to do so.

As well as this, there were plenty of times where I had to botch efforts to fix bugs. Workaround after workaround after workaround.
But at least this taught me to write better code next time I work on an RPG.


At this point in time I’m getting people at school to test my games for a bit, and it’s quite valuable as they give me feedback and I can analyze how they play. It seems that in the beginning that they didn’t know what to do. I’ve been writing a list of notes to show what improvements the game needs.
I think it would be quite helpful if I can get some people online to playtest my game, you can note me on deviantart or email me on ratchetandsinro@gmail.com if you want to give the game a shot; I’ll send you the build.

You’ll also be prompted to fill in this form (which is mostly multiple-choice): https://goo.gl/forms/decdj4rlAnVCzKK13

I’ll try to do this for every game that I make, because play testers are very nessacary to a game’s development. Not only for the game at hand but I could also learn what the world truly depends on or at least wants from gaming.

Summing up:

RBA will be coming pretty soon – somewhere in mid-march so for those who want to playtest it, playtest it ASAP. And be sure to fill that form too – there’s no point of testing if you can’t give feedback!
Well… you don’t have to but it would be invaluable information to me.
I couldn’t ask for anymore!
That’s all from me!