Friday 7 December 2018

New website!

Hello there!

I've been teaching myself HTML & CSS (and a little bit of JavaScript) recently and it has given me some motivation to create a website.
If you want to see it go here.

How did I host a website?

The reason that I've made a website now rather than earlier was that I would need to pay for a website hosting service to get my website up and running which has been the main blockage to me creating a website. But thankfully, I found out you can host a website for free on GitHub, so I used that to host my website. Maybe I might pay for a website hosting service if I get some sort of monetary income.

Why I did not use Wordpress, Squarespace or Weebly?

I thought that these sites (as useful as they can be for making websites in a short time), wouldn't allow me to make something purely from scratch. Being th technical person I am, I like to make something from the ground up to learn about all the things people take for granted i.e. scrolling bar and linking to other web pages. Although it would be much easier to have some nicer looking designs with something like wordpress, I don't mind the fact that my website looks like something from 20 years ago, I'll make it look prettier when I get to better grips with CSS and HTML.

Upcoming features

Although at this point in time, I'm quite busy with other things (which are not related to game development) so I don't feel like I'm in the right place to add more features. I plan to add in:
  • More description to the "About" section.
  • An art gallery (as an alternative to DeviantArt).
  • Easter eggs.
  • A custom blog.
In terms of the last one, I can't really imagine in my head how to do such a thing without blogger (what I am using as of writing this), but I would like to do it at some point. The first 3 are easier to implement in so I'll probably focus on those after I become less busy.

That's all from me!

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